Monday, November 07, 2005

Religion Schmaligion

One of the issues we had when we were together was religion. She knew I was an atheist. Now, the term ‘atheist’ seems to have a stigma attached to it. One often thinks of devil worshippers, serial killers and child molesters when the term ‘atheist’ is used. At least, I think of these descriptions when I hear it. Sometimes.

The concept of God is kind of weird to me. Where someone may question how a god COULDN’T exist, I question how one CAN exist. Besides the obvious reasons such as famine, needless death, abuse and the like there are other reasons that just astound me. Wars that are religiously inspired particularly irk me. How about multiple sects of the same religion? Who’s right? Who’s wrong? And then there’s multiple religions on top of that. Besides the top faiths – Christianity, Islam and Judaism, which I believe all stem from the same source, there are Hinduism, Buddhism, and many others I’m not familiar with. Then there’s the sects and branches from all of these. Catholicism, Kabala, blah blah..

I don’t care, really. I liken the belief in god to the belief in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Except, the concept of god is more complex. It’s used to explain everything from the creation of mankind to the universe. It’s used to explain the concepts we can’t explain. But what about the creation of the earth? I certainly don’t think it’s 5000 years old. That’s what the Old Testament says. 5000 years? We have fossils that are older than that.

Why can’t people just believe that everything is from chance? We’re here because by chance, something occurred in the primordial ooze that caused the first single-celled organisms to exist and go from there. I’d even belief that aliens from another planet helped spur on mankind by giving us a kick in the zygote. This is much more believable to me than a god.

My faith is in something that can’t be explained as much as a god-believer’s faith is in something that can’t be explained. People tell me that there’s no harm in believing in God… what if you’re wrong? If I am, then I go to hell. But, what if I’m right? Nothing happens and we become dirt. But, during life, there are so many restrictions based on the faith in a god that I’m not willing to follow. And the hypocrisy within those people that say they’re God-fearing and following. Just like the ex. It was a crutch and an excuse to leave me. It’s not like her husband was a follower. Well, he is but on a different level. But he isn’t a god-follower.

Does this all make sense? I don’t know. It gets me going so much that I can’t think straight.

All I know, or believe, is that Santa Claus has much credence as God. And, if you see the Easter Bunny hopping about, I want my coloured eggs. Better yet – Easter Bunny stew.

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