Friday, November 04, 2005

More Drivel...

A friend of mine and I were discussing the ex and how I will ultimately get mine.  After a lot of analyzing and much debate, we’ve decided that she will end up with no one.  Why?  Because her lifestyle is too extravagant.  She wants now what she can’t wait for.  She has to go out and do things.  She buys things.  He can’t sustain that lifestyle for her.  

As for him, well… Men are a funny species.  When we’re in that Fight-or-Flight mode, we do some pretty strange things.  When faced with the possibility of losing, we do things that don’t make sense.  Like seriously questioning our own beliefs.  Or, contradicting ourselves.  Or consider doing things that we’d never do when sane.  It’s true.  I do it.  I considered doing a lot of things when I lost her the many times before.  Prayer, church, children, marriage.  Yeah, things that I have major reservations about.  So, when the ball is in his court, he’s doing things that he’d probably never have done if she never left him, like go to church or… agree to have children or… be respectful or… have sex… or, be straight for that matter.  

When faced with loss, men do desperate things.  We tell ourselves we’ll change for that person to get them back.  We’ll do whatever it takes to show them that we still care and we’ll adapt to THEIR needs.  But, once the chase is over, the desperation ends and reversion begins.  It may be insecurity or maybe it’s the fear that we don’t want to be alone.  Yeah, maybe in my 20’s I wouldn’t have cared.  But, I’m in my 30’s now.  Time is getting shorter when it comes to finding a mate and starting a family.  

The point is, he’ll revert.  He’ll change and everything will be the same as it was before.  In his desperate attempt to get her back, he’s compromised his core beliefs.  

All I can say is… I can’t wait until that fireworks show starts.  Popcorn in hand, hardhat in place, I hope to be right there watching the bombs burst with glee.

Mood: Angry (as always)
Music: None – haven’t started Winamp yet.  But, I can guess it will be Depeche Mode


Hours turn to days
Days to weeks to months to years
Decades inviting

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