Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Post Work workout

After work today, I went to the gym to work off some of this annoying anger I seem to have built up. Thirty minutes was spent on the stationary bike and another 30 on the elliptical. An hour of cardio, which I never used to do but it barely keeps me calm. All the while I’m watching the WSOP tourney on the tv. At least I had something to keep my mind occupied while I worked out. Otherwise, my mantra is one of two things – I Can, I Will, I Do or I HATE HER I HATE HER I HATE HER. Either one keeps me going. One does have a better effect of getting me going. I bet you can guess which one.

One of the reasons I go to the gym, besides working the frustration out is I don’t want to come back to my living quarters. Question – if you could live rent-free in a room bigger than most studio apartments, but have to put up with a friend and his gf/wife and two kids (plus one on the way), would you? Oh, let’s add in the kicker of the lovely couple always fighting, the friend is a little excessive in his punishment techniques and has a fuse so short that if you were to light it, say goodbye to your hand.

Yeah, I wouldn’t live in that situation, either. But, I don’t have the choice at the moment. Though it’s nice of him to offer such amenities for free, I would rather walk 30 miles one way to work each morning barefoot with needles in my soles than have to willingly stay here any longer. Again, it makes me angry because this is the fault of my ex. Well, 70/30 her fault. My dumb ass should have prepared for something like this by saving money like a motherfucker.

So I get home and I’m coming down from my adrenaline/dopamine rush and I have to come home to the couple fighting like cocks in heated battle. Yay. It’s not the first time I’ve been privy to this activity. I’ve seen/heard a lot worse.

So, I’m lying on my bed coming down and I’m on the verge of tears because the hatred for her is so great. This is compounded by the yelling and screaming of my friend and his gf.

I’ve had enough. I’m looking for a second job and a way to get rid of some of my extraneous expenses. Then, I’m going to start school. I need to get out of my current job and I can’t do it without a degree. I’ve got the experience but it seems that in the game of Life/Paper/Experience Paper always wins out.

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