Thursday, November 12, 2009

I have...

I have:

10+ books to finish.
A half-filled bottle of Jack.. which isn't so half-filled anymore.
Approximately 3 more weeks of the semester left.
A paper to write for my Religious Studies class that's due on Monday. It's Thursday. Night.
No job.
No desire to find one.
A woman whom I've been dating that I have absolutely no feelings for.
No idea how she feels about me.
A strong desire to end our relationship.
Fear that I will hurt her.
A strong desire to go to LMU for a Masters in Philosophy.
No clue how I will get there.
A need to call someone.
A feeling it's a bad idea.
A curiosity nonetheless.

No desire to continue on in the position I'm in.
A duty to myself to do so.