Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I found these most entertaining, enlightening and well... brilliant.

Clicky on da linky --

Linky 1
Linky 2

I found this to be particularly humorous -

Linky 3

When I asked for a sign of god's existence, I got this blog instead. Somehow, I don't think this was the sign I was supposed to get.

Linky 4

Something I've been thinking about. Does God make it a point to put two people together? Then, continue to assert his will that these two people should be together, that their lives were meant to be together? This would go against all religious logic (religious logic? Isn't that an oxymoron??) I think. First, man has free will. If we have free will, god CANNOT know who should be with who and what our lives shall be like and what path we will take. So, if god knows who should be together with whom, that would lead to the notion that we don't have free will and that we have destiny. If we have destiny and fate, we wouldn't have free will and thus, god has a plan for all of us. It's a conundrum that I think most people cannot see or think about. If god has a plan for us all, and we have free will... how can this scenario make sense? I see a problem. Does this make sense to you? Maybe I didn't explain it right. It sounded better in my head.

I still believe that God is within us all... But I don't believe in a higher power... though I'm beginning to doubt myself. Err.. doubt the God in me. What a perdinkamint I'm in! :-D

Buddha and Neitzsche. I tried reading both in high school. Couldn't wrap my head around either one. Though I enjoyed the premises. I think it's time to go to the bookstore tomorrow.


Ishwar said...

dude, this is stage 1. you'll be an atheist soon :)

Steve said...

I am an atheist, with a severe identity problem! :)