Friday, November 02, 2007

Things always come to an end

Today was my last day at my temp job and it actually made me kind of sad. I'm way too sensitive for my own good sometimes. It was a great place to work, really laid back and had a fun atmosphere. I met a few people and hopefully will stay in touch. Now I look forward to a new job that will afford me a new life. I'm anxious, excited and kind of scared all at the same time. Something new.. It's something I'll be good at for sure. But there's always that trepidation that comes with the unknown. Here's to Mondays.

I hate when things like this happen -- I got a call from a startup Internet company today whose business it is to sell adverts on websites. They'd like to partner up with me and the site I run. They've been around for awhile doing P2P (that's Peer-to-Peer for you non-geeks) with CDs, DVDs and whatnot. Seems they're starting up a marketing company catering to movie websites, selling advertising for movie studios. I see it as a definite opportunity. The partnership could potentially bring much needed traffic and much needed revenue. The reason why I hate when this happens is because I was just thinking about how I needed to somehow bring more traffic to my site and that revenue would be good. I was seeing it in my mind's eye today, making it real. No joke. It just flies in the face of my whole rant from yesterday. Jesus, I hate that. Coincidence.

So I leave you with a few haiku. I used to have a haiku of the day after each blog entry (I was also reading through some of my old entries.. You should, too.. the one on intelligent design was pretty good, I thought) but it sort of became too much work.

Nervousness within
Emanant change a comin'
On a Precipice

Fireworks inside
Tormented. Anxious. Afraid.
Kittens frolicking

Fortune seeks its way
On roads destined to find me
Via Yellow Bricks

Feathers floating by
On melancholy breezes
Just disappearing

Five words to come by
Two plus five more for this line
A lazy haiku

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