Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Journey from Redondo to Santa Monica

I've wanted to ride from Redondo Beach to Santa Monica for some time. I used to do it every weekend when I lived in the area but since moving away, it's become one of those things you wish you could do again. Well, I broke out the bike from storage, filled up the tires, got my camera and some energy bars (chocolate chip cookie dough - right on!) and drove out for the day.

First and foremost - My. Ass. Hurts. C'mon, do the bike manufacturers not know how to make a comfy seat? My ass is killing me. Maybe the seat wasn't made to be traversed upon for a distance of over 35 miles (approx from Redondo to SM and back). All I know is, I'm buying a new seat. Those last 5 miles were just a killer. I didn't think I was going to make it! If I start spurting blood outta my ass, I'm suing.

Second, the day sucked. It was overcast all the way there and back. I didn't see the sun all day. I was rather disappointed by this because, during the ride, there is this one spot where one can watch the planes from LAX take off and I wanted pictures of the big 747's flying up and away. Maybe next time. (provided I get a seat for my sensitive ass)

Other than that, the ride was good, I got a good cardio workout from this and I got to photograph stuff. I'm not saying they're great - they're more of a documentation of what I came across.. There was nothing that stood out to say... 'take a pic of me in a really obscure angle.' Nope.. nothing. So anyway, with out further adieu.. pictures of my journey.

Though I started at Redondo, I didn't get a picture off until Hermosa Beach.

Hermosa Beach pier. With people included.

I guess these people were going to do some sort of percussion thing. Nifty.

Next. Manhattan Beach pier. Yeah.. boring, I know.

I took a picture of my bicycle.

There's something about unmanned lifeguard towers that make me just.. photograph.

Volleyball anyone?

A lone seagull greets me as I enter Marina Del Rey.

Wookit all duh pwetty boats!

C'mon! I had to buy $8 worth of shit just to use my CC. WTF is up with that noise?

When I got to Venice, I spied some performers performing.

These guys totally rocked. Amazing gymnastic stuff.

All your balances are belong to us.


This dude was totally fucking ripped. I swear I'd sell my soul to the devil to get a physique like this. I don't have the years it would take to get it.

He jumped over 10 people and flipped in mid-air. Unfortunately, my camera was set to single shot and I missed all the fucking action. I was pissed.

This girl had a better camera than me. I was coveting it. And I thought she was cute.

Santa Monica looms ahead.

I had to get a picture of these teens swinging. So youthful.

This is the North Entrance. Where's the South Entrance? In the water?

There was a memorial at the Santa Monica pier for our fallen soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Called Arlington West, it's put on by a group of anti-war veterans who want this war (it's not a fucking war, it's a conflict. Congress NEVER declared war) to end. I was actually moved by this. Almost to tears.

Somebody placed a bubble machine on the sand. It reminded me of a woman I had a fling with who, within 2 weeks, said she fell in love with me. I hope you're well Jasey.

This kid was trying to pop the bubbles.

Said Bubble Machine.

This fucking rocks. Where do I get me one?

This was pretty cool. I didn't stop in but it looked like a nifty place.

The shirt was cool, too.

OMG, this guy had to have lost a bet or something. Or he has balls the size of China.

That's GLASS, people. GLASS! What they'll do to make a buck down there..

This act is sooo played. Get a new one buddy. The dog was a nice touch though.
But you still sucked.

I thought these poems were cool. They were inscribed on the shower wall next to the Muscle Beach workout facility.

Well, that's it. I need to get some work done. And my ass still hurts. Fucking Christ, the next time I do this, I'm drinking beer at the watering holes along the way. With a new seat.

Oh and.. days like today make life worth living.

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