Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's that time of year.. again.

Well, it's that time of year again. Turkey in the oven, family and friends sitting by the fire, sharing stories of old. No, I'm not talking about Thanksgiving (which is coming up, I know), I'm talking Christmas!

As you fans may know, I'm not into Christmas. I hate it. And, this year, it's coming in faster than a Kamikaze diving into a battleship. Halloween didn't even have time to see children get sick from all that candy before we saw decorations and heard Christmas carols in our local Hordemarts.

If you've been following the economic updates on your local cable channels at all, you'd know that this year isn't going to be a good one for the retail sector. They're expecting the public to be tight with their purse strings and humbug to their loved ones. Well, no shit. Have you seen how many people have gone into foreclosure?

So, this year, the corporate juggernauts have gone into high gear by starting the Christmas season a lot sooner than normal, hoping to get the people into a frenzy only Pavlov could appreciate.

So, why do I hate it all? Well, aside from the religious implications- Jesus was NOT born in December. If he was born at all, it would have been somewhere in March or April. The significance of December is that it's a PAGAN ritual. Winter Solstice, worshipping trees (What exactly does a tree have to do with the birth of the savior?), dancing naked in the moonlight... what, you don't do that? Um, strike that.. Giving gifts (well, that could be a three wise men thing.. maybe) and all of that. Why else do I hate it? Because it's become a tool for the corporate greedfucks in their need to make a buck that has them completely bastardizing the one holiday that gets people together for nothing other than to just have a family get together (aside from Thanksgiving, of course).

There's another reason why I hate Christmas - it's because it's the one time of year that everyone's nice to each other. Why not be nice all year round? Why can't you be curteous to your fellow man all of the time and not because of a stupid holiday? Did you know that in Manhattan Beach they turn off all of the parking meters for the Christmas season? Why not do that all year round?? It's not like you'd be missing the money - look at all the rich fucks living in those beachfront homes. I think Peter Brady and his wife Adrian live there, too, if I'm not mistaken. I digress. I'm getting off the subject.

Anyway, love your fellow human, eat a lot of turkey (I'm a vegetarian now, so I won't.. How sucky for me) and just be happy that you're able to celebrate a happy time. There are plenty of people out there who won't be able to for one reason or another. Donate your time to shelters or something. I know I'll be looking into that this year.

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