Saturday, November 17, 2007


Have you ever looked at a photograph? I mean, just studied a photograph? The subject of the photograph. The composition of a photograph. The emotions conveyed in a photograph?

Photography is a beautiful medium. It's my favourite. I was just perusing online some kid's photographs he had taken of his friends - these simple portraits. The lighting, it was perfect. The subjects' expressions.. the.. the simplicity of it all. Brilliant.

Photography captures a moment in time where things can be but never are perfect. A birthday, a graduation, an act of kindness. Or a loss, a sadness, a violation. The emotions, the expressions, the realness (a word?) of THAT moment; that piece of frozen time, forever captured on a strip of film (or digital media these days) and then placed on paper (or a screensaver.. you choose). That one moment where it was or wasn't perfect.

The best make you think. A lot.

I need to qualify first. I don't mean poses, faked and manufactured for the camera. I mean those shots where they're candid, not planned. I hate planned.

Anyway, it is those where you see the subject for who they are. And it's beautiful. Because those are the shots where you see the real. You see the real.


I'm giving up television. It's way too emotional.


Intimate embrace
Comfort for the weary soul
Needing is okay

--- [something completely different] ---

With that gaze you made
I stayed
For just a minute longer

I had all these thoughts
Got lost
The time just vanished, squandered

I looked to your eyes
So wide
They held a secret pleasure

I wish for your touch
So much
It's something we both treasure

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