Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What does the WGA stand for?

What does the WGA stand for? “We’re Greedy Assholes,” that’s what it stands for.

First, let me say that I’m not a big fan of the union. Its usefulness ended about 40 years ago. Seriously, do we really need them now? I mean, aren’t there enough laws on the books to protect the worker from the big bad employer? The one paying your wages for those 40 hours you put in each week? The one that has to follow rules established because of unions?

So what about the WGA? Most unions represent only those that actually work. The WGA, like the SAG, represents not only those that are working, but non-working as well. And what they’re fighting for currently is to get their fair share of revenue made by showing their wares on “new media,” like the internet, multi-media cell phones etc, etc, etc. Sure, being a “creative” is a little different than being, say, a GM car builder. With a manufacturer, the builder builds the car and is done with it. It goes out and pollutes the air, kills a few cats and, maybe, kills a few kids in a drunk-driving accident (heaven forbid this happening, but, let’s be precocious). Once the car is sold to the dealership, the people who built the car do not see any money from the sale of the car, let alone would they ever see any money from the resale of the car. And, if it goes to a rental agency, they wouldn’t even get a slice of the rental income, either. Now, let’s take a look at Mr. Screenwriter. He writes a script. They, (being the studios) make it into a hit television show. He is paid for the script. And then, he is paid each time it airs. What a gig! To be paid multiple times on something he wrote once. That’s gotta be nice.

So whom is this little strike affecting? Well, let’s see. EVERYONE?! You, me, the gaffer, the errand boy, craft services, the electricians, actors, directors, set photographers, etc, etc. This little strike is affecting everyone. How you ask? Let’s break it down. Let’s start with the obvious. The actors and crew of each television show. While the writers walk in circles creating their wonderful little picket chants (they’re creative, I’m sure they’re coming up with doozies as we read), the actors, directors, producers and all that are associated with those shows are sitting on their thumbs waiting for the strike to end. Sure, they (being the actors) probably don’t need the money but what about the people, who actually don’t make the big bucks, like the secretaries, interns, cue card holders, etc? This is a job for them. Some of them are probably even aspiring actors just trying to break into the business. So, now they’re out of work until this nonsense ends.

Next, we have the consumer. Who are these writers ultimately writing for? They’re writing to entertain the masses. And who are the masses? Yep, that’s us. And we’re sick and tired of watching the episode that aired two weeks ago. We don’t care that Letterman struck a deal with the WGA. And we certainly don’t care that Leno and the rest didn’t. Shit, we hardly care about late night talk shows anyway! Sure, the numbers are up but when you put water in the mouths of the thirsty, they’re gonna drink. And, new films are shitcanned because the writers can’t write until this strike ends. Don’t expect too many films this year, unless they’re indies that were written by non-WGA members. On a side note; as consumers, we should boycott television, period. Go out, read a book, take a bicycle ride, go camping. Ignore your television. And, don’t go see any movies, either (unless it’s that indie we just talked about).

Who else is this affecting? Those writers who don’t actually write (for pay, that is), that’s who. Like I had mentioned earlier, the WGA reps both working and non-working writers. Those that are working are still getting paid – reruns of their shows still generate income. But what about those who don’t write for some television show or are writing some spec or screenplay? Until this strike ends, they can’t find work or can’t finish their work, unless they want to be branded a scab, of course. So, the question they’re probably asking at the moment is – “would you like to see the dessert menu tonight?”

Anyone notice that the Golden Globes have been canned? The WGA won’t even allow an awards event to happen. Shit, this is an AWARDS EVENT, honoring those in the business for their talented work. And their selfish bullshit has caused The Hollywood Foreign Press Association to cancel the event and simply have NBC News cover a PRESS CONFERENCE (holy shit, a press conference??) whilst they read off the names of the winners. How fucked up is that? Well, guess what? We’re the ones who pay their ginormous salaries (through purchasing advertised products and box office receipts). We deserve to see that shit.

So, please forgive me if I think the WGA is a bunch of selfish, greedy bastards who don’t look at the big picture. They’re fighting for a 2.5 percent cut for Christ’s sake. Two and a half percent? And for what? A technology we don’t fully know the numbers on yet. For fuck’s sake, get over yourselves. Your selfish act is affecting a lot more than your paychecks and principles. It’s affecting others who work in the entertainment industry. It’s affecting the American population (to say the least). It’s even affecting crappy-ass writers who say they write even if it’s only between server gigs at the Cheesecake Factory.

Let’s do what people did when Major League Baseball striked. Everyone stopped going to the games afterwards. Their attention was elsewhere. How about we just stop watching television? Even you Nielsen families (ESPECIALLY you Nielsen families); turn off your tv’s. Go read a book or something.

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