Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Don't Believe in Positive Affirmations...

I have faith. In myself. I have faith in the person that I am and who I will be. I have faith in the abilities I have and the abilities I will acquire. I have faith.

I don't care about what you, the person down the street, my boss or what my co-workers may think of me. I only care about what I think. I think I'm pretty swell. And I get better each day.

I know I will succeed. I will succeed at whatever I put my mind to. I am Jack's success story.

I am evolving. Learning. Becoming. I am more confident. I am stronger.

Despite what you may think, I am humble.

I am always learning something new. My mind is open to the possibilities. Life is not about one path. It's about many.

I look behind me only to remember what it is that brought me to this point. I look ahead knowing that this point is not the end.

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