Sunday, January 27, 2008

An Infinite Intelligence

I'm reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. In my 20's, I had the book on cassette and played it often. I wanted to make a lot of money and listened to it over and over again. But, I wasn't in the right frame of mind to utilize the message Hill was conveying.

I read it now not because I want to make gross amounts of money (don't get me wrong, I don't want to be poor) but because it teaches how to think positively and how if one sets their mind to it, can achieve anything and attain anything one wants in life.

The premise is, of course, the Law of Attraction. However, Hill uses the term 'Infinite Intelligence' instead of 'the Universe'. It is a principle that has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The difference in his message is that our minds are powerful tools that, once set properly, can help one achieve the greatest of goals. Where the message differs from The Secret is that we don't wait for the outcome to happen, we make it happen through effort and faith. Through this effort, we attract what we desire and we attain that which we ask for.

As I had said in a previous entry, I have faith in myself and in my abilities as a person to do what it is I need to do to get where I want to go. I have planted the seed of my desires into my mind and believe that whatever I want will come to fruition. It isn't enough to believe. I take action because of those beliefs. And, through those actions, I shall receive my rewards.

I truly believe I will get what I want in life and there's nothing to stop me from achieving that goal. The only thing that can stop me is me.

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