Monday, January 21, 2008

This whole Not Drinking thing

I've been going out a lot lately. And I haven't had a drink since I've started my intense workout regimen. Let me tell you - it's fucking harder than I thought. I thought it would be easy to just throw into the wind that shot of Jaeger.. or that vodka tonic.. or that bottle of brew. It's not. I crave a drink, especially during those stressful moments or those moments where uncertainty has reared its ugly head. Last night, I almost broke. Almost. It was that bottle of Baronjaeger (a honey liqueur) that had me craving.

It's especially hard when I'm socializing. Who doesn't drink when socializing? I've managed to solve that with a Cran and soda. It looks like I'm drinking but I'm not. But if I can't have that it's just water.

Does this make me an alcoholic? Certainly not. I drink because I want to, not because I need to. It may be that my reasons for drinking are skewed or that I may be a lush but I'm not an alcoholic.

...but that's what all alcoholics say, right? Touche.

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