Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Day 1

I've been going to the gym off and on for years. Here would be the equation in mathematical terms:

( ( loss of weight ) + ( put weight back on ) ) / (way too many years) == no results

So.. I've decided to enlist the help of a personal trainer. It's one of my goals this year to lose a substantial amount of weight. I came to the conclusion that I couldn't do it by myself - I needed motivation that was beyond me. This is normal, I think, for many people - I can't do it by myself as I've proven by my mediocre mathematical equation. Don't get me wrong, in the last 3 months I've probably lost about 25 pounds. It is noticeable and people have told me they see a difference. Unfortunately, it isn't good enough for me. I want substantial weight loss and I want it quickly. I don't have the patience for this 'one year/50 pounds' bullshit. I have a goal in mind which, at the end of the first phase, I'll divulge. But, right now, just know that I'm determined and nothing will stop me.

I've decided to stop my intake of alcohol for the first phase. I want to see how it will affect me. I know that my being a vegetarian has greatly helped my weight loss. I will be going to the gym 5-6 days a week for at least a half-hour a day. Two days a week will be with my trainer; those days, 1 hour.

Meals will consist of mainly salads and fish (in the form of sushi, yum!). For snacks - nuts, fruit and whey protein. I currently take supplements so that's taken care of. Lots of water to fill me up and lots of chocolate.. okay, not a lot of chocolate. Just a little. :-)

So, the workouts I can already say will kick my ass. My first workout was only 25 minutes long and I know I'll be walking tomorrow as though there was a stick up my ass. I could barely drive my car home with a stiff clutch. I thought I was going to crash into the parked cars in the lot.

I used to watch others training and I thought - 'how easy is that!?' Well, it's not. I thought the weights I used were congruent to what a pussy would use. Well, new found respect to those whom I thought were pussies. I could barely finish the high reps with low weights. I was dying! My trainer assured me that endurance will increase along with the muscle mass. I hope so. More muscle means more calories burned.

Anyway, my determination is high. There are things outside of the trainer that motivate me. And, by putting it out in the open here, I have to continue. Otherwise, I will be ridiculed. And, honestly, if I don't succeed, the punishment will be great. So, I can't fail.

End: Day 1

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