Friday, January 18, 2008

A New Direction

I've wanted to get back to school for the longest time. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles in my way that prohibit me from getting to where I want to go. I'm not saying that I can't go back to school, I'm just saying that it's very difficult and somewhat time constraining.

I've been researching for the past year where and what I wanted to study. My goal is to be in school this year. I want to study Communications so that I can do something that would be in line with what I feel is my "destiny" (for the lack of a better term). At first, I wanted to get into advertising or maybe public relations but these are shallow, probably non-fulfilling career choices.

I've decided to maintain my focus on Communications but to also round it out with either a Psych or Sociology minor. This would allow me to really gain a foothold in the direction I wish to go.

As some of you may know, I'm very opinionated on religion, specifically Christianity. I don't have a lot of knowledge on the other two of the three Abrahamic branches - Judaism and Islam - let alone info on other major religions but I want to learn. This leads me to my other interest - philosophy. I've realized that philosophy is really my bag so I've decided I want to try and get a second degree in that. I may couple it with English as a minor (not really sure yet) but we'll see; writing is a newfound interest of mine (well, I've always liked writing but I've decided it's something I really enjoy.. and I'm good at it).

So that's where my ambition lies, school wise - two degrees, one with a minor. Can I do it? Certainly, I can. I know I can at least start the ball rolling this year. But, I have some things I need to take care of in regards to my junior college days, where I have a lot of credits it turns out. Once that's situated, I think I can get things started.

Sometimes you have to go backward to go forward.

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