Friday, January 18, 2008

I take it for granted....

That I am rather computer literate. I take it for granted that I know more about computers and Windows (and Mac for that matter) than most people. Most people have no clue about their computer or their OS environment and it makes me sad.

I see people every day at work, out in the field, in different places and it just boggles my mind that people are.. well.. stupid.

Yep. Stupid. They barely have hand/eye coordination to operate a mouse. Yes, I've actually met a person who couldn't even operate a mouse. Did you know that Solitaire (that game you're always playing when you're bored to death) was put there to to teach one how to use the mouse? Yep.. Games aren't all bad, you know.

Anyway.. I'm done. I just wanted to say people are stupid.

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