Saturday, March 01, 2008


So, since the 8th of January I've lost over 15 pounds. Not exactly as much as I wanted but it's better than average. With that, I've lost roughly 8 inches total around my body. If I were to stick to a strict, healthy diet I would probably lose more. But my goal is to reach my final target on the 8th of January 09. So, I'm on track. I figure I'll be at my first goal by May, which is roughly the 40 pounds I want to shed. Twenty-five more pounds to go. I'm pretty stoked.

I was listening to a local listener supported radio station this morning (KPFK 90.7 fm) and Dr. Gary Null was on. I didn't quite know who he was until I checked out his website. I've seen him on PBS many times and the guy is phenomenal. Anyway, he was talking about a supplement that got me curious so I donated to the station to get the premium, which was this supplement. It's called 'The Red Stuff' and it's basically dehydrated fruits mixed into a powder. I've been taking different supplements and this one piqued my interest. So, we'll see how this one goes. I'm looking forward to it.

On a side note, but kind of roundabout in relation, I've realized that I've wasted much of my life doing stupid things, giving in to stupid beliefs and fears and overall not living up to my potential. This has caused a lot of wasted time and effort. With the weight loss and restructure, I've come to the realization that I've got a lot of catching up to do. I think it's a test of one's self to see how far one can get after a realization like this. Certainly, those who are weak may settle and give up. I can't. I have too much potential and too much to offer. Some may think I'm somewhat successful, if one measures my achievements to the average person. I, however, think I'm an under achiever because my expectations are so much higher. My standards are high, too. I've never settled. I've never given up (I may have lulled at times, but...) and now I've got to play catch up. This is where the frustration comes because the path isn't lined and the way isn't easy.

It just makes for a better challenge, I guess.

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