Friday, March 28, 2008

Gotta get it out..

Yeah.. so.. I hate myself. I hate who I am and I hate everything about me.

Okay. That's done. I'm over it.

Sometimes we have these minor setbacks. I wish I could generate a virtual primal scream.

I’ve come to the realization that the only thing I know is nothing. Everything I think I know is simply my perception and that means nothing in the larger scheme of things. Though it is within my right to express my opinions, I have no right to push those opinions upon others. I accept that we’re all different and that we perceive things in different ways. And that’s cool. I must keep in check my feelings of superiority and realize that no one is below or above me. We’re just... different. And unique. And that’s doublegood. Or, as a friend of mine would say, wickedrad (wicked and rad, just FYI).

I’m one with the universe. The universe isn’t one with me.

Now that’s a mantra that’s golden.

I’m having a moment, okay? Please forgive me.

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