Sunday, March 02, 2008

Are you serious??

So I posted my blog about Nader on my MySpace blog and one of my friends commented on it. He said he voted for Obama in the primaries because "they said he might be Muslim." My friend converted to Islam to marry his wife, who is Muslim. (Don't even get me started on that one)

What the fuck? They said? Who the fuck is 'they'?

First, Barack Obama is a Christian. I don't know how many times this has been clarified in the news. He IS a Christian. Don't let the name fool you.

Second, to vote for someone because you THINK he's a Muslim? What kind of bullshit reason is that? Do you support Osama Bin Laden? He's a Muslim. Or if you were a Christian, would you support Fred Phelps? He's a Christian (so he says, that fucking bullshit motherfucker).

Hmm, just because Richard Dawkins is an atheist, he'd have my vote for sure. Not. Besides, he couldn't run anyway, the Limey bastard. (I do like him, though. Smart chap)

And to think, there are people out there who have no other reason to vote for someone except that they think they relate to the candidate. This is scary. I mean, I guess your vote is your vote. Do with it what you wish. But at least learn about your candidate before you go off exercising your right.

Ok. Enough of my rant. Off to the gym.

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