Saturday, April 05, 2008

Two weeks down.. 7 More to go

Doing research papers is a bitch.

One thing I found though is that I'm amazingly UNFOCUSED. I need to do something about getting more focused, learning to get to the point faster and staying on topic. It's just not right.. Like I said, I love tangents.. not because I want to but because I'm not focused. It sucks.

Oh well.. Anyway, I just finished my paper on the subject of boys needing male teachers in order to learn better in schools. To break it down:

Boys learn better in an all male environment, with a male teacher.

Because classes are geared towards girls, and that ~58% of all teachers in this country are female, boys don't do as well in class as girls do. Boys are left feeling confused and left out, not to mention their "masculinity" is questioned.

Classes should be segregated into male and female classes. Of course, they should be taught the same things, just in different ways.

Unfortunately, Title IX doesn't allow this. Says it's discrimination against women.

So, boys must suffer in the woman's world of education. We don't learn the same way as women. Sorry. But to subject boys to the way girls learn is detrimental. There should be more research into this.

Maybe it's because of this that there are more women in college these days than men. Kudos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a note, the present presidential administration opened up Title IX to allow for more segregated classrooms. It's a growing trend, but women's groups still fight it.

I'm not sure why, it seems to me that since most of the teachers have been trained to tailor their academics and athletics to females, the women's groups just want the boys there to subject them to having their needs ignored.