Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nader, Nader, Nader!

So, Ralph Nader is running for office yet again.

I like Nader. I think he's a swell guy. Without him we wouldn't be driving safe automobiles or have a number of other protections afforded to us. He's an advocate for the American people. Because of him and people like him, we are better off in this dangerous world.

Because of Nader, I switched to the Green Party back in 2000. I voted for him in the last two elections. I know he will never win - too many people are just followers of the standard party lines - but he is what this country needs. He follows the principles on which this country stands. He believes that the power should be with the people; not the lobbyists, the special interests or the corporations. He believes that our government is frivolously spending money on idiotic bullshit. He wants Medical care for everyone (of course, Hillary did, too, but she dropped the ball and it kinda sorta.. disappeared). He not only talks the talk, he walks the walk, too. The man's brilliant. He is an advocate for true democracy.

I've been told that my vote was wasted because we knew he wouldn't have won. A vote is never wasted. It is my right to vote for any candidate I see fit (and Nader agrees, "Voting for a candidate of one's choice is a Constitutional right, and the Democrats who are asking me not to run are, without question, seeking to deny the Constitutional rights of voters who are, by law, otherwise free to choose to vote for me"). That's the beauty of a democracy. I do not follow party lines. I actually think for myself and make educated decisions. And though I knew Nader had as much chance as a snowball in hell of winning, at least I voted which is a lot more than what most people did last election day (I feel this year will definitely be different. It's a good thing). Also, I'm a big believer in principles. And as Nader has said in the past, he was not to blame for shifting the vote to Bush in Florida. The Dems were.

Though he is the proverbial David to the American public's Goliath with the only difference being that he's going to miss with that slingshot of his and get his ass beat down, I will most likely support the man in his bid for the presidency. And why shouldn't I? His interests are my interests. His causes are my causes. And whatever he doesn't know, there'd be advisors for that. Hey, look at George W. The guy is a first class baffoon (and it shows) and he's president. If anything, Nader couldn't do any worse.

And yeah.. I supported Jerry Brown, too. That guy fawking rocks, dude.

Just because the general public doesn't see them to be qualified or capable, doesn't mean they aren't. (Just look at the fervor behind Barack Obama - the man's great, sure.. but qualified? No.)

A final thought - there are more parties than the two out there. Please, please! Investigate them. You WILL see more than those two parties on the ballot this year (as with every election year) and you WON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE. Take some time to see that this is not a two-party system. They (being the majority parties, the lobbyists, the special interests and corporations) just make it that way so you have less power. Power to the people, baby.

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