Thursday, February 07, 2008

Funny Things Happen to me

It's never a dull moment it seems. I had accompanied one of our sales people to a customer location out in "the hood". When I say the hood, I mean an area of town that's not the best location to send your children to school.. or be out on the street passed a certain time, like, well.. any time. But, there's this very prominent hospital in the area and they're a big customer of ours and we had a demo to do for them and blah blah blah. Needless to say, we had to be there.
So, we drive around the hospital and we finally find parking - a bitch to do because they're always full. We walk across the street, do our business and are on our merry way. Of course, during this time, we see lots of helicopters flying around, lots of fire trucks and ambulances (hey, it's a hospital. Who would question a couple fire trucks and ambulances?) and a plethora of Sheriff's cruisers.

So what the fuck is going on?

Oh nothing.. just a frackin' bank robbery down the street where the ARMED suspect got away and ran into one of the hospitals' facilities. No big whoop.

So, we're locked down. Can't leave the area cos the parking lots are roped off, the buildings are roped off and and all of the people are being cattled around. Great.

For me, it was just another day out of the office with some excitement. Helicopters are landing on the roofs, SWAT is searching door to door and well.. just a normal day in the hood.

Honestly, I had one of those morbid fantasies that, as I was walking down the sidewalk, I'd get shot in the back somehow as the perp was running away shooting at the cops and I'd fall to the pavement in movie-magic slow motion and people would crowd around me and the last words out of my mouth would be...


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