Saturday, February 16, 2008

Goals and a positive attitude.

I've become a big proponent of positive attitude. Without a positive attitude, one cannot even get near the goals one sets.

Looking back, the past few months have been interesting. I set out to do things that I never thought I'd be able to do. These "things", as I put it, started out as ideas in my head which, in turn, became goals to accomplish. With my positive attitude, I am persuing these goals with a fervor I've not had in so long. Part of me is trying to prove myself to others who I don't think believe in me. But, mostly, I'm trying to prove to myself that anything can be done if one believes.

When I decided to get serious about fitness, I tackled it with a vengence. In eight weeks, I've lost about 15 pounds, gained about 6 pounds of muscle and I've made my goal date January 28, 2009 to be in optimum shape. I was watching a triathalon on tv while doing cardio at the gym (how apropos) and I thought to myself - I can do that. So, I've decided that I shall. And, in two years, I'll be ready for it.

I've wanted to go back to school for so long and I thought it was fitting that I start this year. The opportunity arose when I happened to check the local CC's schedule and found it could be done _now_. And I did it. And now I'll be starting a mid-semester online class soon. I'm back to it.

I wanted to tackle stand-up comedy. I don't want to be famous or anything (if it happens, so be it..), I just want to meet people and make them laugh. I want to discover what I'm capable of and extend myself passed my comfort zone. Though it's still in the "infant" stages, I've had so much fun doing it and I'm learning so much about myself. When I do my first act, I'll make a MySpace Comedy page. [snicker]

I'm not sure if I had posted what my "life's calling" is, my career path or whatever it's called. I am an immensely creative person. Rough around the edges, but creative. I know what I want to be and I'm now pursuing that. I've known for awhile, really, but have been afraid of that path because I didn't think it would be something lucrative or I thought I wasn't good enough. I've never been motivated by money. I was more concerned that I wasn't capable.

I'm more than capable.

I bet some feel I'm being terribly pompous. No, I'm not. I'm believing in myself. I can do whatever it is I want. And, I've proven that with just the few things I've mentioned. And it's only February. I've got so much more to accomplish for the year. And the great thing is - I'll accomplish what I set out to do.

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