Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What Comic Retards

I’ve had enough.  Enough of this whining and moaning that the Muslims are being dissed by this STUPID Danish cartoon.  Now, I haven’t seen the cartoons and I’ve looked all over the net for them.  I’d really like to see what the hub-bub is all about.

So, this week, there was a showing at UC Irvine of the cartoons (along with other racially abhorrent ones) in question to stimulate a discussion amongst different faiths and creeds.

It turned into a bash-o-rama.  People were getting pissed, getting all butt-hurt and angry… what the fuck, people?  Can’t you just move along and get over it?  It’s like everyone’s dissin’ on yo mama or something.  

Please.  Listening to NPR, I heard a comment from someone saying that free speech may be  protected but with that right comes responsibility. That these cartoons shouldn’t be shown because they will provoke violence, hate and racism (or religious intolerance of some sort) is just ludicrous.  First, if I make something that potentially insults, angers or otherwise makes you think – regardless of its negativity – those should not be grounds for it to not be created or shown.  The other side of the above statement is that one should not be provoked so easily by something that may insult you.  If you have any restraint, respect or responsibility, you would simply ignore it or, if you have to, calmly comment on it and then move on.  

What gets me are those people that get all fucking bent, yell and scream about the issue and then burn down a billboard or smash a bus.  All the cartoonist did was create a comic.  Though he had no intent of inciting worldwide violence (and even if he did), all he did was create a comic.  It’s those that reacted to it that caused the violence, caused the uproar, caused themselves to become emotionally imbalanced to the whole thing.  If they were responsible, caring and faithful, they would simply ignore it and move on.

But what about all the hate it would generate against them?  Don’t you think the Muslim community is getting more hate brought on by their actions?  If they had just sat by, accepted it, condemned it and moved on this wouldn’t be happening.  They are the ones that made it more evil than it really is.

I, for one, am comfortable in my faith (I faithfully believe that there is no god).  If you call me a monkey, ape, Satanist, whatever.. So what?  I know what or who I am.  What you say about me isn’t going to change who I am or what my outlook is.  It’s not going to make my life anymore different.  So why the fuck should I care?  And if I don’t do anything about it, it goes away.  It’s that simple.  

If the Muslim community would have just let it go and not make a fuss, this would be a dead issue.  People in the world can go on and live another day and not have to worry about possibly getting killed because of some stupid cartoon.  

Just another ‘Yo Mama..’ situation.  

Gotta love the stupid and ignorant.  Put that energy to better use.  Plant a tree or something.  Jeezus!

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