Monday, February 27, 2006

Let's discuss life.

Everyone.  Just stop.  Yes, stop.  Let’s take a look for a minute at…


Yes, life.  Did I stutter?

As I was haphazardly driving down the street singing along to some Depeche Mode song (or was it Death Cab?  I can’t remember) I was looking around and I just had this feeling that…

There is absolutely no purpose for us being alive.  
None.  Nada. Zilch.

Well, one – to procreate.  Other than that, there are no extraordinary reasons why we are on this dirt mound called earth.  We’re just a biological accident that occurred millions of years ago.  But, at least it was a “happy accident”.  Otherwise, I’d be writing this blog to no one (well, I think I’m doing that now.  But, there’s potential that someone will read this).

But, what about the birds, bees, trees, giraffes and hippopotamuses (shouldn’t that be hippopotami? Eh.. Who cares)?  They were happy accidents too.  

Of course, you have to give in to the notion that a) there is no god and b)… well, there is no b).  

Of course, along with this feeling is also the notion that nothing has a reason for happening.  It happens just because.  The notion that everything happens for a reason is absurd.  I’d love to believe in Karma.  To think, someone I know who has shat upon me will get the shaft later in this life or in the next life as a fly on a piece of shit kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy but let’s face it… Murphy’s Law has a better chance of working out (ie: people who shit on me win the Lotto, whereas I’d probably get hit by a bus).  

I probably didn’t squash your whole ideal of life.  I probably even pissed you off to blatantly say god doesn’t exist or that life has absolutely no meaning.  As long as you don’t go off on me like some Muslim defending Allah, it should all be just fine.  

Oh, please don’t pray for me.  It’s a waste of your time and I’m sure god is attending to other more pressing matters anyway.

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