Thursday, March 09, 2006

Yahoo! Answers Rocks

So, I’ve become quite addicted to Yahoo! Answers.  It’s a Beta service that Yahoo put out where people ask the stupidest questions and you get points for answering them.  It’s 2 Pts per question answered.  If someone picks your answer as the best, you get 10 pts.  If someone votes your answer as a good one, you get 1 pt.  If you ask a question, it costs you 5 pts.  

Seriously, you can sit on there for hours just answering stupid questions, pointing out the stupidity of others.  Sometimes, I’ll actually give people a good answer but most of the time I’m just there to point out how people can’t spell, or there questions are lame or just, in general, try to be funny.  I especially like the questions dealing with religion, life on other planets or philosophy.  I like trying to be the first to answer the questions but other times, I just need to jump in after I’ve read everyone’s lame-ass answers.  Then I’ll come in and ridicule the person asking the question as well as the other people who’ve answered.  It makes me feel like a real man.  

So, checking the stats of other people, there are actually people on there that have point totals in excess of 25,000 pts.  I have almost 900.  I’ve been on it for two weeks. I wonder how often these people are on there to have amassed over 25k pts??  And I thought I was a loser.

You should definitely check it out –  You’ll need an account over at Yahoo, but don’t let that stop you.  

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