Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Two days into being jobless

Two days into not having a job and I’m more busy now than I was when I was working.  This is what happens when you go from your real job to your “other” job.  

I walked away from my boring, useless job and turned to something that is scary, new and not stable.  And it passes the day a lot better than any job I’ve ever had.  I can’t keep up.  I find myself juggling so many things, calling and emailing so many people and trying to keep track of everything without having to backtrack for an hour.  I managed to email a few different people the same thing because I couldn’t remember if I had contacted these people earlier in the day.  

I’ve never had to be this organized before.  Now, I find that I can’t do anything unless I’m more organized.  

I’m calling publicists, writers and promoters.  I’m calling the people who run the Arclight, AFI and the representatives of Tribeca.  I’m shooting the shit with people who work for the most famous people on the planet and hoping I can get a screening of their movies after it all.  It’s all very new to me.

It’s all very scary.

But I like it.

I’m learning something new every day and I find myself becoming excited.  At the end of the day I’ve juggled so many things and pushed something from Point A to Point B.  I got complimented from someone I’ve never met but have jumped through hoops to get her what she wanted just so that she’ll work for me in the future.  

And just last week, I was working a cushy 40-hour workweek sitting on my ass surfing the Net.  Today, I hardly have time to shit.

And in the end, I’m no longer trapped by the 40-hour workload.  I’m no longer trapped being told what to do by stupid people who are running the company I worked for into the ground.  I’m no longer worried about running into that faggot husband of the Ex whom I hold more hatred for than anything on the planet.  

And, in the end, I hold just one thought that keeps me grounded.  This thought?

Just what the fuck AM I doing??!

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