Monday, March 06, 2006

Cheating, the Radio and me!

So yesterday, I was listening to one of the local talk-radio stations while driving out to Los Angeles and on the show was the producer of Cheaters, the television show that catches cheaters in the act, blah blah blah.  So, they’re talking about how people got caught cheating and one of the loser hosts on the show says (paraphrasing), you know, cheating isn’t THAT bad.  You can forgive.  So, I call.  And I ask the dude, what about this situation where the woman cheating leaves her husband for the guy she’s cheating on (me), lives with him for almost a year but then goes back to the husband who takes her back?  The words I hear?  “What a doormat!”  “Yeah, he’s probably really needy.” I started laughing.  I mean, come on.  There are situations where, yes, you can forgive the spouse for cheating on you.  Let’s say the spouse has a few incidents of cheating where maybe they saw a few different people on different business trips.  Or maybe, just a few times going out and they were in a good situation.  

But NEVER when you know the dude she’s cheating on you with!  Or when it’s over a year-long or when she MOVES IN with him!  

I find it funny that people can say.. oh yeah, the cheatee can forgive the cheater.   There are stipulations.  Forgiveness is never full and trust never returns.  I know.  I’ve been cheated on.  I had a GF who cheated on me with my best friend.  Twice.  I forgave her the first time but the second time I dumped her ass.  But, not quickly.  I told her we’d wait until our 2nd year anniversary (which was soon coming) before I broke up with her.  And, I broke up with her on that day.  It boggles my mind how she never broke up with me, knowing it was inevitable.  I guess she had hopes that I would stay.  

So, I know what it’s like to be cheated on who cheated with a friend.  And I know I’ll never forgive the next girl that would cheat on me, regardless if it’s a new relationship, a long-term or even in marriage.  That chick is gone.  And, if it’s with someone who I know, they better buy a wheelchair before I find them because once I do, they’ll definitely need it.  

I’ll always think of the husband and how much of a loser and how weak he is.  And then I’ll think of her and think of how much I wasted my time and how they both deserve the misery they’ll have with each other.  

Onto other notes…

I’m writing a script.  Yeah, us Hollywood wanabe’s need to keep busy by writing yet another script.  Maybe I’ll post it on here when I’m finished.  

It’s about a guy… who loses a girl… who was married… (You see where this is going, don’t you?)

I decided to take aspects of what I knew and write it into a screenplay.  Of course, the ending isn’t as sad as what I went through but it isn’t a happy one either.  It’s more macabre, really.  It involves a gun and that’s all I’ll write.  But, I’ve written about a quarter of it already.  It’s about Jason, who’s still coping a few months after a break up with a woman he fell in love with, Rachel.  When Rachel asks to see him for one last time, things turn for the worst for Jason.  

We’ll see where it goes from there.  I wonder what my shrink will think.

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