Monday, December 19, 2005

We all Need a "life" workout buddy

I recently watched an interview with Angelina Jolie (though, maybe I didn’t catch the whole interview but this is what I garnered).  She’s one hot cookie, let me tell you.  Anyway..

This was something I completely agreed with and what kinda makes me still depressed after all this time.  When you accomplish something great in your life, it doesn’t mean much when you can’t share it with someone you truly care about.  Sure, it should make me feel great about myself and all, and it does.  I’ve accomplished many a great task and feat.  In certain times, I didn’t feel melancholy when I didn’t have anyone to share my triumphs because I didn’t have anyone that I cared for as much as I recently did.  Feeling proud of yourself is only amplified when you have another who is proud of you too.  

So, lately, I’ve been pretty lethargic when it comes to doing things that I know will be great or have significant impact in my life because it’s really not all that when you can’t share it.  

Maybe I want to have bragging rights or maybe I want to impress another but I certainly am not asking for approval or the like.  In life, a partner who is of great importance drives us to be better, to make us try harder.  It’s their job.  To make us feel special and to make us feel we can do more than we set out to do; it’s something we should all do for our significant other.  On our own, we may be ambitious and we may strive to work harder but we’ll never get that last set done without a partner.

1 comment:

Sanns said...

I completely agree with this post. It's so nice to have that person to share things with. It's hard to not call that special person and share things like "Hey I got a promotion!" or even just simple things like going home to someone at the end of the day.