Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Out with the old.. in with the new..

As the end of the year approaches, I just wanted to say what an interesting ride it has been. From amazing highs to some really fucked up lows, this year has been quite amazing.

Each year, I always tell myself that it will be a good one. And, every year, it turns out below expectations. This year was different.

I continued to grow my web assets. Though I didn't achieve what I thought I would this year, it was still pretty good. Next year should be much better. Also, I plan to build a few new assets for the coming year. I'm in the design phases right now.

I met this amazing woman. I can say she is one of but a handful of beautiful women I've come to know or recognize in my life. My concept of 'beautiful' is different than most. It was in high school that I decided that being 'beautiful' was not only about looks but about the overall package. And, one had to excel in so many attributes that being beautiful to me was a very hard thing to attain. I don't use the description lightly. Though we are just friends now, I view her to be an important part of my life and I cherish her immensely (I can just see her cringing as I type this). But what's really important -- she's an amazing person.

I've gained some wonderful insight on myself. The last 4 or 5 months have been some of the most brilliant I've ever experienced. I've learned to deal with personal issues in a more positive manner. I can't say everything's perfect (I still get depressed from time to time, but I think that's normal), and they never will be (perfection doesn't exist, sorry), but they're pretty damn good.

I have found employment, which is good. It's not what I want to do but.. hey.. I'm employed, right? It makes me money and I can do the things I want. When those things that I really want to do start to fruition, I'll be in a good place.

For the coming year, I have new plans. New ambitions. I need to get off of my procrastinating, lazy ass. Though we can start at any time to renew ourselves, it's just easier at the beginning of a new year. It's like passing Go, collecting $200 and just going round the board again. I have plans. I have goals. I have aspirations. I've forgotten what it's like to work my ass off. I've been complacent, but not really satisfied. I'm feeling excited again.

It's time to make a plan and stick with it, ya know? I want to be something more. I want to be bigger than who I am now.

2008 is going to be a fucking stellar year. And I plan to make it happen, Cap'n!

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