Saturday, December 08, 2007

My world's been hijacked!

Have you noticed AT&T Wireless' slogan? "Your World. Delivered."

Let's break that slogan down.

Your World.

My World? So, AT&T has my world. It knows my friends, family, co-workers. It has my interests, my likes and dislikes. It has my reality! So, in essence AT&T possesses my interests, surroundings and my way of life. All in my phone. Next.


It's like they're saying, "here you go! Have Your World." They are bringing it right to me. I don't have to go anywhere, do anything, strain or otherwise lift a finger. Here you go, your world and it's delivered right to ya.

I don't know about you but I do not want to be a complacent, lazy automaton thank you very much. I do not want to grant my mobile phone company control over my world and hand it to me on a platter when I need it. The slogan is almost subversive. It's saying, hey.. let us do your work for you. You just need to sit there and let us do it for you. Become lazy. Become stupid. Become a friggin' idiot. Because when you do, you'll become our little money bucket.

Your World. Delivered. Now if they could deliver pizza.. oh wait.. they can do that, too. Damn it.

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