Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Just a Quick Comment...

A quick comment about oil and gas and the fucking companies who get, refine and distribute it.  What the fuck is this about profits exceeding the billions in dollars?  Wouldn’t it be prudent to possibly take those profits and maybe… just maybe build a few extra refineries in the country to bring the prices of petrol down a bit?  More supply would bring the price down.  Doesn’t matter that the price of oil per barrel at the moment is around $62 and falling… gas keeps staying where it’s at or going back up.  So, it can’t be the price of crude futures.  Oil companies are purposely holding out to get the most bang for their buck.  I bet the stockholders are pretty happy.  Well, fuck them all.  Build some refineries in Nevada, Texas and Florida.  Make sure that there’s more than enough supply for the higher demand.  We get enough oil, there’s a shitload.  What we don’t have is enough refining.  Is that too difficult to understand?


Raise your hand if you’re tired.  Tired of dealing with stupid people.  Tired of dealing with stupid friends.  Tired of dealing with life.  I am.  I can’t help but feel morbid.  

How about you?

Currently watching Steamboy on my PSP.  It’s pretty cool.

Blogging from work is cool, too.  I’m sure I’d get into trouble if they found out.  But what do I care?  

If I haven’t mentioned it already, the ex-girlfriend is a complete ho, dolt and selfish git.

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