Sunday, October 30, 2005

Another Chapter over.

I wish I could take the last year and a half back.  I wish I could just wake up and be back before all this happened.  What a waste of life.  What a waste of time.

I called her today.  I wanted to tell her that it was no longer worth trying to be friends with her.  I told her it was time to say Goodbye.  Of course, she didn’t disagree.  She thought it was best for the both of us.  I then had to make sure she felt like shit before I hung up the phone.  How can anyone go back to their husband when:

-He’s gay (allegedly.  By his own admittance though)
     This is backed up by the gay porn on his computer

He’s a controlling fuck.

His willingness to take a woman back that has repeatedly cheated on him AND moved in with someone else is completely irrational.  I don’t understand it.  

Did I mention that I think he’s gay?

After all the things said between them, do they instantly forget that stuff and just start out thinking everything’s going to be okay?  Where’s the trust?  How will he trust her?  I can’t even trust her now and don’t think I ever could.  What’s he smoking that makes him think everything’s okay?

My bitterness is getting the best of me.  I wish I could just forget her and move on.  I wish this all never happened and I regret that it did.

Since the goodbye is out there now, I guess it’s closure and I can now move on.  I won’t be thinking fond thoughts on this part of my life.

Chapter: FIN.

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