Monday, December 01, 2008

Note to self..

Make sure, when going out, that you never go out on a school night.. or in this case, a work night.. Sunday is a work night, right?

A few friends and I donned our tuxedos (I had the cool, white dinner jacket) and went out on the town. First, the Cicada Club. The Cicada Club is this little gem in downtown LA, a period place that one who is into the 20's and 30's and all times in between would go to. A dinner joint mainly, the place is only open on Sunday nights. The music is Big Band and the booze is Bourbon.

From there, we went to the Bordello, also in LA. This place is really cool; it was the first actual bordello in Los Angeles. One can only guess what debauchery took place within these walls. Anyway.. Sunday nights feature the burlesque show, and a fancy one indeed. Again, the theme is 20's and 30's.

Let me tell you something. When one is wearing a tuxedo, people notice. In fact, when one wears a suit that stands out (for my friends and I, it's usually period), people notice. And they comment.. usually in the positive. Of course, you'll always have the pricks who have to make the smart comment, but they usually get a smart comment back.. or the finger. More so the finger, I think. But it's a respectful finger.

Did I forget to mention that there was a lot of drinking? I not as much as my two mates, but I did imbibe a few cocktails.

So, next, it was the Goth/Industrial club called Malediction. It's smack dab in the middle of Koreatown. I try to stay out of K Town; lots of bad memories.. or vague memories I should say (there's this one time where I went to a Korean bar with a buddy and his cousin.. apparently, I did some weird things. Yogurt-flavored Soju is not my friend).

When everyone is wearing black and mesh, a white dinner jacket stands out quite a bit. The irony here is that these people.. these goth and industrial kids.. get stared at all the time because of how they dress, getting smirks and comments here and there.. and they're staring at us? Smirking at us? Yeah...

The exciting, most interesting part of the evening was when I started dancing. Industrial music isn't like other music one dances to. It's more primal. One does not have to dance with others; it can be done totally alone. And there aren't any "moves". One just goes with however one wants to dance. The memories of Kontrol Factory (for those not in the know, an LA Indust club in the 90's I went to.. a lot) flooded my head. I think that was the last time I danced to to Industrial. Picture a guy in a tux (white jacket, mind you) flailing arms, kicking legs and on the verge of spirit fingers. Oh yeah.. spirit fingers.

So, after a brief nap at 3am, I leave my buddy's place at 4.30, get home at 5 to sleep, wake up at 7 and get to work at 8.30. Why I haven't gone to bed yet I don't know.. but I haven't done that since.. well, the mid 90's. I rock.

I need to do that more (but not on Sundays). But I'll don the black tux next time. And a necktie instead of a bow tie. A red necktie. Not that there's anything wrong with bow ties.

Bow ties rock.

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