Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Season! Grey's Anatomy

I don't watch a lot of television. There's really nothing worthy of my attention, say maybe a few shows. One of them is Grey's Anatomy. In fact, it deserves all of my attention as I think it's the greatest show on the airwaves. The cast, the writing, the music; they all make for wonderful drama. But the one thing that makes the show isn't what the show gives us, it's what we give to the show.

It's how we relate.

I once told someone how great Grey's is and how, if she only had a television, she should watch the show because it is good television. So she watched it. Online. And she dismissed it. And I wondered.. how can anyone dismiss such a show? It's brilliant. It's touching. It often times makes me so emotionally charged, I have to blog about it.

Then I got it.

It's not what Grey's has that makes it such a great drama. It's what we have in ourselves that makes it a good drama. And most people don't realize that the show plays on our own experiences, our own feelings, our own dilemmas to make it what it is. The reason why it (and other shows of its caliber) is so good is because we can relate to each storyline, to each character, to each emotional dilemma. We are what makes the story so good because each storyline is within us. Our own lives fill in the gaps, smooth the corners and dot the i's. We are apart of the storyline and we don't even know it. It's because we can relate in such minute and subtle ways.

We get it because we've experienced it.

When one dismisses a show like Grey's Anatomy, one does so because life's experiences may have eluded him or her. He or she may have not experienced life in the way most of us have, or not enough of it anyway. He or she.. may have been sheltered. And, in being so, just doesn't get it.

Or, he or she is just an insensitive, left-brained git. (I say that because I'm more right-brained)

It isn't really about Grey's Anatomy. Any well-written, well-acted drama does what Grey's does. That's credit to the writers and producers of the show. But the real credit goes to you and me. We are why the show does well. Not because we're told it's a good show but because we get it. And we get it because we've lived our lives to some degree and can relate to the themes.

And that's why Grey's Anatomy is brilliant.

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