Wednesday, September 03, 2008

God and government do not mix!

It's one thing when some nobody down the street starts claiming that it's the will of god that we were sent to Iraq - I can ignore a loon like that - but it's another when a VP candidate starts spouting shit like that.

According to an AP news article (Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God'), Palin is said to have addressed ministry students saying that our going to Iraq is god's plan, that "our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," and that "that's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan." Absolute BULLSHIT. Your position, Governor Palin, is not to be used as a pulpit for religious zealousness. That's abuse of power and(!) taking advantage of people whose beliefs you are pandering to.

Also, she said it's god's will that a $30 billion pipeline be built to transport natural gas to the mainland and that everyone should pray for it. God's fucking will. Are you kidding me?! What does god need a fucking pipeline carrying natural gas for? God's will my fucking ass.

This talk has no place in government. Atheist or not, I have strong feelings against government mixing with religion. This is a nation diverse in religious beliefs. What makes her beliefs more important than the Muslims', Jews' or even Pagans' beliefs? If we have a VP like her as the second in command, how will her beliefs affect her actions in office? An evangelical Christian is one thing, an evangelical Christian using her position to spout religious rhetoric is another. We don't need that anywhere near the White House.

Not only does this anger me, it fucking scares me.

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