Monday, July 07, 2008

What Wendy's is Not...

Wendy's is NOT Vegetarian-friendly. No sir-friggin'-Bob.

There is NOTHING on the Wendy's menu that is even REMOTELY kind to a person who does not eat meat. Nothing.

Looking at the menu, there is one thing - a Caesar salad. Okay. I'll have that. So my question is -- WHO THE FUCK PUTS BACON BITS IN A CAESAR FUCKING SALAD??!!?!

Apparently, Wendy's does.

So if you're a vegetarian, don't eat at Wendy's. Because they suck. They're against mother nature. They hate little babies and they make old people dress up in leather boots and nothing else.*

I'm going to bed now.. sick from eating bacon bits. Damn it.

* Wendy's in no way makes old people dress up in leather boots (and nothing else) nor do they hate little babies. But they still suck.

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