Thursday, May 22, 2008

Being a little "Grey".

I am a sensitive man. Sometimes, too sensitive. It is a gift and a curse. A gift because I can feel things that others cannot. I know things others fail to perceive. I understand things others cannot or do not comprehend. Unfortunately, for me, this curse of sensitivity causes a pain that no one can understand. Even those who are (as) sensitive cannot know the anguish I often experience - it's different for everyone. It is a detriment that I wish I could cut out with a dull spoon.

As I watched Grey's Anatomy tonight (it was the season finale), I realized a few things. It is better than chocolate. It is better than any show I currently watch (and that includes Heroes); it is better than those shitty reality shows that plague the airwaves; it is better than everything. It is my favourite show and I am happy to say that it rips apart my fragile emotions. It reminds me of things that are important to me. Yes, even television shows can be useful and educational, if even to ourselves. They may not cure cancer, save humanity or even bandage a boo boo but they are useful.

The word 'extraordinary' was tossed about in the show and I changed my profile to reflect how I feel about myself. Tonight's episode reminded me that I am extraordinary, just as Grey is. And you may laugh at that. You may even find me a bit mad or just a tad off my rocker. But who cares what you think? I certainly don't. I'm too involved with myself at the moment to care.

I am a sensitive man. And an extraordinary man. And Grey's Anatomy is one kickass show. And whatever you have to say, positive or otherwise, doesn't matter because the only thing that matters is what I say or think. To me.

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