Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Juicing. The kind with mixed veggies and fruit.

So, I'm juicing now.  Saw a documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  It got me kind of inspired.  So I went out, bought a juicer and now I'm juicing my way back to health.  Or insanity.  One of the two.

I am now on day 2 of a 60 day journey.  And already I've done fucked up a couple of plans I had before I started this crazy adventure.  Today, there's a get together at a restaurant where an old acquaintance is throwing a fundraiser for ALS awareness.  And then, this weekend, I had planned to take the train out to LA to get my drink on, have some fun and experience life as it was sans job and school.  School, of course, starts on Tuesday.  Job, not so much (changed to weekends only).

Let me tell you, the first day of a juice fast is a nightmare.  My willpower was tested yesterday.  The choice between having pizza, salad, burgers or whatever and drinking a concoction of kale, cucumber, carrot, apple and lemon juice really made things rather difficult.  I'm glad water is free.  Otherwise, my budget would've been spent already. 

So here we go, 59 more.  Every morning starts off fine.  Orange juice with a dash of carrot.  Maybe some lemon to tart it up a bit.  But, after that, it's a question of will power, a good mix of veggies and a hope that I can get through another day.  See, there's a goal at the end of this short tunnel.  It's better health and a slimmer body.  And maybe a different way of eating and living life.  We'll have to see.

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