Friday, August 03, 2012

Chick-Fil-A and the growing attitude of who-the-fuck-cares

There is a sensory-overload going on with this whole Chick-Fil-A thing.  The point has arrived, I think, where everyone on both sides of the issue is becoming tired of the situation.  Really, it has gotten pretty saturated.  I just finished watching a vid on YouTube where someone went along and interviewed a handful of people whose opinions were atrociously stupid.  After watching it, I decided -- this is enough.  I just don't have the capacity to care anymore. 

And I think this is true of a lot of other people.

When the CEO of CFA decided to spew his personal opinion regarding his stance on marriage, faith and his personal beliefs, they were his personal opinions to express.  He has that right.  He also has the right to use his company as a vehicle to further his beliefs and opinions, to the tune of $5 million by the way and to deplorable organizations and political figures.  That's all fine and good.  More power to him. 

On the flipside, the LGBT community have the right to go out and express their opinions however they see fit (within reason.  Let's not get carried away and spray paint on the side of a restaurant... oh.. wait.. nevermind*...).  They can do their Kiss-in's, their protests and their waving of the rainbow flag.  I get it.  I'm with you folks.  But when mayors of cities come out and say they're going to what they can to ban or otherwise prohibit CFA from opening shop, well, that's just wrong, too. 

There is a bunch of name-calling on both sides of this street and, frankly, it's terribly disappointing.  One one side, the conservative, religious chickin consumers decry the homosexual lifestyle and use their biblical nonsense to back it up (and, when I say 'nonsense', I mean they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about because it's obvious they haven't read one lick of the bible.  And even if they had, their knowledge of the bible would be nonsensical as well.).  In fact, on a side note, I saw one girl interviewed (start at 5:05) at a Chick-Fil-A restaurant who actually said that marriage should be between a man and a woman, because that's what it says in the Constitution.  And, further, she said it's because this is a nation founded on Christian principals.  Seriously?  SERIOUSLY?!  I can't make this stuff up.  But, they sure can.  Without even trying.  Then there's the seriousness of the the LGBT community and their supporters.  Calling out the CFA'ers as bigots, haters and against apple pie and baseball.  Well, not the last two, but one should get the gist.  It's getting rediculous.

If you haven't guessed yet, this isn't going to go away.  However, I dare say that this will end up in the favor of those supporting gay marriage.  While it won't happen over night, it will happen.  John Stewart made a great point when he said that gay rights are like a drive through -- it goes forward, not backwards.  Or something to that effect.  Whatever. 

I say, let the haters and the religious knuckle-draggers have their chicken sandwiches and bites.  In the end, CFA will or will not get what they deserve whatever that may be.  And the LGBT community will get theirs.  Everyone will be happy and things will move on.  Until then, I think the gay-rights activists need to move forward and find other ways of furthering their cause.  CFA's power lies not in their chicken sandwiches and great customer service.  It lies in the amount of money they have to give to conservative hate-groups and politicians.  If you can create a money stream to influence the powers-that-be, your agenda will get more attention and better support.  Sad to say it, but it's true.  Even better would be to simply replace the old guard politicians with like-minded new ones.  Again, that takes money.  And you gays, you have lots of money.

Now get out there and start spending.  I'm going to bed. 

* Actually, no one knows who spray painted the Torrance Chick-Fil-A, but, whoever it was, they sure did a nice job.  So much so that I think it was an inside job.  Or Banksy.

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