Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just in time for Valentine's

So I've met someone. Finally, a nice woman to call upon when I need to talk or to hang out or to.. you know.. do things. We've gone on a few dates and have some things in common and she likes the sex as much as I do (not to brag because it is simply a matter of fact - my abilities are stellar).


I don't think she's gotten over her last relationship yet. There is a reason for it though.. He's dead. He died rather suddenly and kind of tragically. They were engaged to be married. Now, normally, this would throw up red flags all over the place. It stinks to high rebound heaven. And yet..

I don't care.

See, I'm not looking for a serious relationship. And neither is she. I think we were both looking for the same thing: sexual gratification with the bonus of having someone to talk to, hang out with and, occasionally, to have dinner with a movie thrown in. But what's important to me the most right now is the sex.

There is an ethical question here - is it okay to be having this type of relationship with a woman who you know isn't quite emotionally free? Am I taking advantage of anything? Am I putting myself into a weird place? The answers, I do not know. Yet. I have a feeling that this will not blossom into a full relationship, though she did tell me today that she "likes" me (this is that like me, like me situation we had in high school). I guess this is where the ethical dilemma comes in - is it wrong because I don't think I'll ever "like" her?

Again, she's still getting over a relationship. I don't think she's ready to "like" another person at this time in her life. It will become one of those rebound situations. I was a rebound in my last brief relationship. That hurt me terribly. And I still often wince at the thought because I really cared about that woman (whom I still think as the "one that got away"). This time, not so much because, frankly, I need this just to get back on track for my next real relationship.

I guess that does sound bad. But, it happens. That's what life is all about. Ethical or not.

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