Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For the past month, I've been on a liquid diet. Not because I'm grossly overweight or because I broke my jaw or anything like that. Whilst on Craigslist (those fucking Nazi bitches) I saw an ad that offered money to be on this crazy diet to test whether or not capsicum extract would help bring up the metabolism. If there's anything I can appreciate, it's being given money to lose some weight.

Well, today was the last day and let me tell you -- I've never enjoyed food as much as I did today. I think I went overboard on the dessert, though. All I know is, it didn't take a lot to get me stuffed.

I noticed that I felt rather guilty eating. I guess it's because I've only known 800 calorie shakes (100 x 8 a day) for a month and changing that is changing a habit. I don't intend to eat like a fucking hog each day but today was just one of those things I needed to do in order to kind of.. well.. celebrate (okay, I cheated a few times in the last month, but those were due to the fact that, one, I didn't have anything to eat or I forgot my shakes and, two, when one exerts a lot of energy, like say.. sex, replenishing energy is of the utmost importance).

So, I'm off to rest. I am exhausted from eating and typing and.. well, getting up at 5am this morning.

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