Monday, September 19, 2005

New Priorities

So it's time to reinvent myself. But what does that matter? No one friggin' reads this anyway.. and if there are readers, they certainly aren't speakin' up to tell me. So, I'll just assume I'm typing to myself.

So besides being a man of the world and the 8th richest man in my neighborhood, I'm a small magazine editor and I watch movies for review. I'm what you call a "film critic".

Notice the quotes ("") around film critic? I'd use the term very loosely.

I've been rather fortunate in that the few months my publication has been around, I've gotten some rather good stuff to review. Besides the cornicopia DVDs I get, I am able to see movies before they are released. And not those crappy movies you see when someone gives you a free ticket while you're taking pictures of the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood and looking for some time to kill before you go to the Wax Museum or take a tour of the Stars' homes.

The thing about my publication, which a friend of mine pointed out, is that it contains a shitload of reviews. Movie reviews, tv show reviews, newly released film reviews.. And interviews of indie movie stars and on-the-cusp-of-coolness film directors from Korea and Japan. But... it doesn't contain content that would differentiate it from other publications in the LA area. Now that doesn't sound cool. Not that it really matters. The advertisers could give a shit what's in the mag. They just want people to see their wares. Record stores, movie releases, whatever they're selling.

Is it easy? Hell, no. It's two of us who manage the writers, who get the advertisers, to publish the zine, who get more people hooked on the concept. It's a fuckload of work.

Is it satisfying? Sometimes.

They say power is intoxicating. Maybe. I have power over some things. It's more percieved than anything.. other people may think I have the power. But not really.

What's more powerful than power?


But enough of my babbling. I hope to use this as a springboard for my rantings and ravings of the movie biz. If it's good enough, let me know. I'll stick it in the mag and call it my column.

Until next time.

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