Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh the joy..

So it's the new year and all I have to look forward to thus far is this 3-day weekend. Yay. Then it's the Inauguration. Yay.

Whilst I wait for the swearing in of the next President of these United States of America, I shall consume.. nay! I shall enjoy having consumed this nice bottle of wine.

I'm rather disappointed as it hasn't affected me the way that I thought it would.

I'll give it some time. I can tell that there is some affect... I have to close one eye to read what I'm typing. However, I'm cognisant of what it is I'm typing.

There's a trade off there, I guess, though I'm not happy about it. My typing isn't even affected.


Well, you shit for fucks have a nice day. I'm going to go play online poker. And have a vodka shooter. Or two.

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