Saturday, June 07, 2008

Give it a rest, women.

I listened to Hillary Clinton's exit speech this morning. I commend her for being such a strong, independent, courageous woman who pushed the limits of what women think they're capable of. She is a woman I believe could run this country and I would vote for her if the choice were between her and McCain. And, not that I think Barack isn't any less talented, I would have chosen her over him as well because I think she has what it takes.

And yet, she says there is a glass ceiling for women, albeit with "18 million cracks" thanks to her women supporters.

I am at wit's end with this whole "women don't have the same opportunities as men" bullshit. Yes. They. Do. If they didn't, we wouldn't have seen Hillary get this far, if anywhere at all. We wouldn't have seen the many women make it as far as they have in their careers. We wouldn't have seen the suffragettes have their say. We wouldn't have seen women in history like Isabella Baumfree (Sojourner Truth), Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Amelia Earhart, Georgia O'Keefe, Rosa Parks, Billie Jean King, Gloria Steinem, Gloria Allred and countless other women who not only fought for themselves and for their causes, they fought for the women after them to have it better. But what did they do that stood them apart from other women? They fought harder, longer and more diligently to get where they got. They made an effort that was extraordinary.

Most people who succeed do so because their drive is stronger, their effort is higher, their need is greater than the average person. These women who made it are the same. I believe women have set limits on themselves because they believe, in this "patriarchal" society, that men have all the say and that men set the rules. Men have been in that position because we were placed in that position from the get go. It is what it is. We didn't limit women. They did.

If you believe there is a glass ceiling, there is a glass ceiling. And the proof is in the pudding when there are women blasting through that so-called ceiling all the time. Guess what? It shows that, really, there isn't one. You just want to make fucking excuses because you wanted it handed to you instead of going out after it. Even the feminists out there have made it because they fought hard to get it. Men fight for their shit all the time. It isn't any easier for us because we're men. In fact, the challenge is harder because many women still believe we need to pull them up with us. Fuck that bullshit. Pull your own weight up. No one is stopping you - you're perfectly capable of doing it on your own.

This mindset that women are inferior to men is a stigma you place on yourselves. You perceive it, so you believe it. Now you're fighting to abolish it when, in reality, it was never there. There are plenty of women who have "made it". It may have been a harder fight for them, in this "male dominated world", but they did it.

So what the fuck is stopping the rest of you to do what women before you have done (and, in turn, making it easier for women today to do it themselves)?

Fuck the feminists. Your time has come and gone. Get with the picture and stop complaining and start doing. Your glass ceiling is self-created. Stop thinking it's there and it will disappear.

So, Senator Clinton, there aren't 18 million cracks in your glass ceiling because, frankly, there is no ceiling at all.

And before anyone even think it, I'm not misogynistic, a sexist or a male chauvinist. So fuck you if you think I am.

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