Sunday, April 16, 2006

It's Easter Baby!

It strikes be funny that on the eve of Easter, I have a daft conversation with a Born Again.  

As a Born Again, I think one should not only be fervent for their god and religion, but also at least know what the hell they’re talking about when they do talk.  

Now, Easter bunnies, eggs and all of that are hooey; they have nothing to do with Jesus or Passover or anything that has to do with Christian belief.  So, where did they come from?

From what I understand, they originate from different rituals and Pagan beliefs where the rabbit symbolizes birth and fertility and all of that as well as the egg – another symbol of fertility.  So, the bunny ain’t layin’ no eggs, it’s just carryin’ em… dat’s all.

How it got lumped in with Passover, I don’t know.  Well, maybe because it’s Springtime, for Jesus (sing it along with that fabulous Mel Brooks show.. you know which one).

And to address another thing – NO, ATHEISTS DON’T BELIEVE IN SATAN.  I don’t know where you people think that (as she, the born again did) but we don’t.  We would have to believe in a god, first.  And how she believes that god is white with blue eyes, I have no clue.  How do you come to that conclusion?  Did god not make man in his own image?  Then why the fuck am I not white with stunning blues?  Gimme a god damn bleach kit and some contacts!

Whatever.  Did you know that in, I believe, six states, it’s against the law to serve in office if you’re an atheist??  Talk about prejudice!

Anyway, Happy Easter foo’s.  

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