Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Me vs I. Is there a difference?

I've been up late at night thinking about whether or not reincarnation is real. Part of this deals with the concepts Me and I. Are they different? Yes. They are.

At least, I think they are. It's very difficult to conceptualize this in words. However, I did start with the dictionary. Well, that is.

I've cut all the superfluous crap out. For I:

3. Metaphysics . the ego.

For Me:

1. the objective case of I, used as a direct or indirect object: They asked me to the party. Give me your hand.

So, what do Me and I have to do with reincarnation? They, specifically, don't. It's their concepts (the ones I'm trying to articulate) that do.

You still with me? Good. More later.

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