Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Past Forming the Future

I've done some really amazing things in the past and had been pondering them for, maybe, the past week. Today, while I was taking a drive (I could've walked faster) out to the Valley I realized that those things I've done had been willed; I consciously made them happen. And, while they were happening, there was nothing that could get in the way of them happening.

So it got me to thinking. Can I do that again? Can I make the things I want really happen?

I've become bitter. In the past few years, I've gotten into this rut that has left me utterly negative. I think everyone is negative to a point but if negativity was an art form, I'd be Picasso, Rembrandt and Michelangelo all rolled into one. I've tried to be positive. I've gone through those stages asking the Universe to answer my calls of need and want (it's absurd, the Secret and the Law of Attraction). But, I've always reverted back to that which I was most comfortable. Times are changing however and I'm becoming more desperate. I'm in need of some serious change in my life. I guess this is as good a time and place as any to make it, right?


In the car, on the freeway, with an 80's movie soundtrack blaring (I won't name it for reasons only I should know), I began to recite positive affirmations to myself. Over and over again. I need to make things happen. And that is the start to the change I need.

Picture that change in your head and you move towards that change. That isn't the Law of Attraction. That's common sense.

So let's see what happens. Stay tuned, kids.

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