Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer is upon us

Well, almost. Right now, as I look out the window and gaze up into the pre-dusk sky, I am reminded that we are in the middle of June Gloom. It's overcast, gray. Threats of rain are parroted on the news channels each night. Yet, there isn't any. What the fuck, right?

Anyway.. I move on.

Jobless, without any direction, I have so much time on my hands at the moment. I'm not really complaining. The only complaint I think I have is that there is no more FM Talk radio. I've resorted to listening to Rush Limbaugh and his craptrap yapping away on conservative bullshit. It's entertaining in a tragic, 19th century kind of way. The only thing worse than Rush is Dr. Laura, whom I will NOT listen to no matter how much I need daily entertainment. Her voice simply grates on me. Not to mention, she's a whack job.

On the dating front... it's a joke. I really must end whatever it is I have with this woman I'm seeing. I think I'm over the sex. It was par from the beginning. There's really no spice to it. It's paint-by-numbers really.. way too vanilla. And, it's the only interest we have in common, I think. Talking about her job is definitely not on my top-10 things I want to discuss on the phone. It's terrible.

She has to know that this isn't going anywhere. But, I am usually disappointed as the obvious isn't so obvious to others.

Oh well.. I need a glass of wine. And an actual book copy of The Republic. I've been reading a printout I downloaded off the internet. I can't take a stack of paper to a bar. Eh.. it wouldn't get the same reaction from the bartenders as the Communist Manifesto did anyway, but I'm sure reading Plato is impressive to somebody.

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