I arrived at the train station around 9:30am. I was a little early, but I wanted to take in the atmosphere of a real live train station. I hadn't taken a train anywhere since I was a younger lad (and in another country even!) so I was actually excited to be off on this adventure.
I always thought Los Angeles was heavenly. It is the place where we go to after we die. [sarcasm: off]

So, the train came and we all boarded (all four of us at the station. Two Korean tourists and some skater kid. Oh wait.. I think a transient woman came at the last minute). I was so jumpy with glee. I'm on the train!
I took a few pictures as we moved, going towards the great city of Los Angeles. Mind you, I could have driven into LA from the OC but that would have cost me more than the ticket, actually. $8.50 for a round trip and I can use it on a bus ride as well. A gallon of gas was 4 something and I'm sure I would have used a few gallons.
The trip wouldn't have been right if there wasn't any graffiti to be seen along the way.
The Promised Land®. It looms over the horizon like.. well.. a city. Duh!
The hallways that lead to civilization. Or to another train. One of the two.

Here I am exploiting the natives while they dance. Talk about Dance Dance Revolution.... without the revolution. Give Mexico back Los Angeles. Oh.. wait.. they have it already.

So I jumped onto the Red Line and headed up to Hollywood. A friend was out that way and I thought I'd meet up with him. In the first pic, I'm just lounging. The second pic is a stop on the way. Again, we in the OC don't have the luxury of subways. Just shitty busses. With shitty people. Who smell like shit.

I met up with my friend and we kicked it at The Pig and Whistle. A swanky little joint I must say. I started with a vodka martini, very dry, and after that I had a single-malt scotch. After those I had a few (too many) more drinks. The bartender, whose name escapes me at the moment (it started with at 'T' I'm sure), was very cute, very friendly and had a few shots with my friend and me. I'll be taking the train more just to hit this place up, that's for sure.
So it's back onto the subway. Destination: home. But I have to get back to Union Station, first.

Here are some interior shots of some closed off areas in Union Station. I had some time to kill and the alcohol consumption was kicking in (and kicking my ass) so I lounged around a bit. I will not be doing that again. Oh, who am I kidding?
Rawr! Oh, please. Like you've never done anything silly within a photograph before. Like hold up the Leaning Tower of Pisa or squished your mate's head. Or taken nudie.. nevermind.
A photograph of the 5 freeway at dusk. I didn't know the guy would be in it but it was a happy accident. Thinking back.. I should have put myself in the photograph.. next time.

Another, better photograph. Person free.

My train for the ride home, in the station.
It was a wonderful day. I even bought a suit at this place on Hollywood Blvd. Black, pinstripe, single-breasted three-piece. I'm wearing it into town the next time. It goes well with my hat.
So, don't let a few mishaps dampen your potential train riding experience. The Metrolink is the bomb diggity and I mean that. Not only is it a fun and memorable experience, it saves you a shitload of money on gas. Plus, there's no worries about who's going to drive, where to park, none of that shit. Good times.
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